
Dr. Andrew Herlich's Term as 2015-2016 PSA President Begins
Congratulations to Andrew Herlich, DMD, MD, FAAP, who recently began his year term as President of the Pennsylvania Society of Anesthesiologists (PSA) for 2015-2016. Dr. Herlich’s presidency took effect at the annual PSA luncheon meeting during the American Society of…

Dr. K. Grace Lim Accepted into 2016 Leadership Academy for Early Career Faculty
Congratulations to K. Grace Lim, MD, who was accepted into the 2016 University of Pittsburgh Schools of the Health Sciences Leadership Academy for Early Career Faculty. The year-long professional development program is designed to cultivate a generation of transformative academic…

Beverly Savage and Michael Zoffel Receive RACC Certification
Congratulations to our finance team members Beverly Savage and Michael Zoffel, who both received certifications from the Research Administrators Certification Council (RACC) and are now CRAs (Certified Research Administrators). They took the certification exam in November 2015. Beverly handles…

CRNAs at Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC Coordinate Volunteer Effort to Help Jubilee Kitchen
To celebrate National CRNA Week (January 24-30, 2016), our CRNAs at Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC planned a volunteer project in Pittsburgh to demonstrate their care and concern for the community beyond the hospital setting. The volunteer group shared their time, donations, and…

The US Dept. of Veterans Affairs Designates Dr. Brian Williams' WAKE Score Project as a Gold Status Promising Practice
Congratulations to Brian A. Williams, MD, MBA, whose project "Design the Anesthetic to Meet the WAKE Score" has been declared by VA Central Office as a "Gold Status Promising Practice," the highest achievement conferred to the top 10 of 250 total submissions for the VA’s…

UPMC Presbyterian CRNAs Host Seventh Souper Bowl Dinner
Our CRNAs at UPMC Presbyterian recently served their seventh “Souper Bowl” dinner. This year, the group prepared and served food to nearly 80-85 patients and their family members at Shadyside Family House. They also donated some gift cards with surplus money from their CRNA…

Department Faculty to be Celebrated at 2016 University of Pittsburgh Honors Convocation
The University of Pittsburgh will pay tribute to the outstanding achievements of its faculty and students during the University's 40th annual Honors Convocation on Saturday, February 26, 2016, at the Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh Music Hall in Oakland.
Congratulations to…

Department Abstracts and Workshops at the 2016 Society of Pediatric Anesthesiology Meeting
Congratulations to the following department members (names bolded), whose work was accepted to and will be presented at the Society of Pediatric Anesthesiology 2016 Meeting, April 1-3, 2016, Colorado Springs, CO.
Pediatric Post Dural Puncture Headache (PBLD). Franklyn P. Cladis, MD…
Dr. Grace Lim Featured in Article in Quartz
An article published on the online news web site Quartz tells a story about the life-saving work of our T32 Postdoctoral Scholar and Clinical…

CRNAs at Children's Hospital Provide Breakfast and Snacks for CRNA Week
In honor of CRNA week (January 24-30, 2016), the Nurse Anesthetists at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC (CHP) organized an effort to give back to the families of the children that they care for every day. They provided breakfast, afternoon snacks, and baked goods for…

Shadyside CRNAs Host Dinner at Family House to Celebrate CRNA Week
On Monday, January 25, CRNAs from UPMC Shadyside volunteered their time and cooking skills to the residents of the Shadyside Family House with a fiesta-themed dinner. The families were quite gracious and asked many questions about who they were and what exactly they do every day…

Dr. Scott Brancolini Appointed to APPD Board of Directors
Congratulations to Scott Brancolini, MD, MPH, who was appointed to the Board of Directors of the Association of Pain Program Directors (APPD). Dr. Brancolini directs our UPMC Pain Medicine Fellowship Program, which was recently awarded a national excellence award from…

Hudson Research Team Wins ASA Practice Management Conference Poster Award for Fifth Consecutive Year
Congratulations to the research team of Mark E. Hudson, MD, MBA (Executive Vice Chair, Associate Professor), who won the first place poster prize at the ASA Practice Management Conference (San Diego, California, from January 29-31, 2016):
Trent D. Emerick, MD; David F.…
Professorship Established in Honor of Dr. Richard Kuwik
At the January 2016 department faculty meeting, our Chair Howard B. Gutstein, MD announced the establishment of a professorship named in honor of Richard J. Kuwik, MD, current Chief of Anesthesiology at UPMC Mercy and 28-year physician and faculty member in our department. Mark E.…

Dr. Jaymin Patel Wins AAPM 2016 Pain Medicine Fellowship Scholarship
Congratulations to Jaymin Patel, MD (Pain Medicine Fellow), who has been selected to receive the American Academy of Pain Medicine (AAPM) 2016 Pain Medicine Fellowship Scholarship.
The award includes a one-day registration to the AAMP Annual Meeting on Friday, February 19…