
Dr. Gregg Homanics Appointed as Associate Editor of Genes, Brain and Behavior
This journal was launched in 2002 with the aim of publishing top quality research in behavioral and neural genetics in their broadest sense.
Dr. Rita Patel Receives 2016 SEA/Duke Award for Excellence and Innovation in Anesthesia Education
Congratulations to Rita M. Patel, MD, who was selected for the 2016 Society for Education in Anesthesia (SEA)/Duke Award for Excellence and Innovation in Anesthesia Education. This award was given to Dr. Patel for her significant contributions to advancing anesthesiology…

Dr. Robert Boretsky Teaches Ultrasound Workshop at Boston Children’s Hospital
Robert Boretsky, MD was an instructor at the Harvard Point of Care Ultrasound Workshop held at Boston Children’s Hospital on October 1-2, 2016.

Department Members to Present at 2016 ASA Meeting
The American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Annual Meeting is a major department event, with an impressive number of medical students, residents, fellows, and faculty members presenting every year. The 2016 meeting will be held from October 22-26 in Chicago, IL. Department…

Dr. Sanford Littwin Invited to Present Grand Rounds at Rutgers-New Jersey Medical School
Congratulations to Sanford M. Littwin, MD, who was invited to present grand rounds at Rutgers-New Jersey Medical School on April 19, 2017. The title of his lecture will be “Perioperative Management: Efficiency and Enterprise vs. Patient Care and Quality.”

Dr. William Simmons Receives Humanitarian Award
(L to R): Dr. Simmons with Jerry Allen RN, Executive Director of Allen Place Community Services, Inc., (R) and Ms. Allen’s daughter (L)Congratulations to William Simmons, MD, who received the 2016 Humanitarian Award from Allen Place Community Services, Inc. "for exemplary actions…

Carolyn Garver Wins Shirley Novosel Distinguished Alumni Award
Congratulations to Carolyn Garver, RN, CRNP, MSN, who received the Penn State College of Nursing Shirley Novosel Distinguished Alumni Award. The award is presented annually by the Penn State Nursing Alumni Society to those who exemplify the spirit of nursing and the ideals and…

Dr. Rita M. Patel Receives Parker J. Palmer Courage to Lead Award
Congratulations to Rita M. Patel, MD, who was selected to receive the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) Parker J. Palmer Courage to Lead Award.
The award celebrates Designated Institutional Officials/Associate Deans for Graduate Medical…

Faculty, Residents, and Fellows Pass NBE Basic PTE® Exam
Congratulations to Douglas Bentley, MD; Erica Coffin, MD; Adam D'Souza, MD; Sean A. DeChancie, DO; Brian Gierl, MD; John J. Hache, MD; Patrick Hackett, MD; Gregory Halenda, MD; William Scott Jones, MD; Charles Lin, MD; Tran Nguyen, MD; Raj Padalia, MD;…

Gregory Rompala Receives NIAAA Grant to Study Effects of Drinking Alcohol across Generations
The National Research Service Award predoctoral fellowship will provide up to three years of funding for a project entitled “Epigenetic Mechanisms of Intergenerational Alcohol Drinking Behavior.”
Monique Saxon and Dr. Robert Scott Lang and Voted Outstanding CRNA and Outstanding Anesthesiologist by Fall 2016 SRNA Graduating Class
Congratulations to Monique Saxon, MSN, CRNA and Robert Scott Lang, MD, who were voted Outstanding CRNA and Outstanding Anesthesiologist, respectively, by the entire graduating student nurse anesthetist class of fall 2016. They will be presented with formal awards at the Nurse…

Dr. Tetsuro Sakai Elected to Non-Tenured Faculty Promotions and Appointments (NTFPA) Committee
Congratulations to Tetsuro Sakai, MD, PhD, who was elected by the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine Executive Committee of the Faculty as a member of the Non-Tenured Faculty Promotions and Appointments (NTFPA) Committee for a three year term effective September 1,…

Dr. Kristin Ondecko Ligda Nominated for AMA Women Physicians Section Inspirational Physician Recognition Award
Congratulations to Kristin M. Ondecko Ligda, MD, who was nominated for the American Medical Association's Women Physicians Section's Inspirational Physician Recognition Award. Dr. Ondecko Lidga was recognized for her work representing women in medicine and anesthesiology.…

Dr. Calin Gorun-Gorunescu Wins UPMC Richard L. Simmons, MD Speak Up for Safety Award
Congratulations to Calin Gorun-Gorunescu, MD, who won a 2016 UPMC Richard L. Simmons, MD Speak Up for Safety Award. The award honors the dedication of Dr. Richard Simmons (Distinguished Service Professor, Chairman Emeritus, and Vice Chair for Surgical Research, Department of Surgery and Medical…