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Dr. William Simmons Honored with Jefferson Award for Volunteerism


Congratulations to William Simmons, MD, who was one of three mentors in Gateway Medical Society’s Journey to Medicine Academic Mentorship Program (the other mentors were Anita Edwards, MD of Highmark and Jan Madison, MD of Jefferson Hospital) selected to receive the Jefferson…

Dr. Sanford Littwin Joins Department as Presby/Montefiore OR Clinical Director


Welcome to Sanford M. Littwin, MD, who recently joined the department as Operating Room Clinical Director of UPMC Presbyterian/Montefiore.

Dr. Littwin comes to us from the Department of Anesthesiology/Division of Pediatric Anesthesia at the Hospital for Joint Diseases,…

Dr. Ibtesam Hilmi Promoted to Professor


Congratulations to Ibtesam A. Hilmi, MB CHB, FRCA, who was recently promoted to Professor of Anesthesiology. A key member of our liver transplant anesthesiology team who has had an enormous impact on patient safety, clinical research, and resident education, Dr. Hilmi has…

Department Members Serve on Guatemala Survival Mission Trip


Department members David G. Metro, MD; Anne E. Kamarchik, MD; Melanie Hodge, MD; and Brian Gierl, MD are currently serving on a Surgicorps international survival mission trip in Antigua, Guatemala. They have taken care of almost 100 patients for surgeries…

Dr. William Simmons Receives NMA Scroll of Merit

Dr. Simmons received the award, the NMA’s highest honor for merit, in recognition of his leadership and promotion of wellness, healthcare equality, medical education, and efforts towards increasing the pipeline of minority students entering medicine.

Dr. Grace Lim Appointed New OB Anesthesiology Director at Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC


Katherine “Grace” Lim, MD was recently appointed as the new Director of Obstetric Anesthesiology at Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC (MWH). Dr. Lim started her medical training at the University of Missouri-Kansas City, then migrated to Chicago where she completed her residency…

Pitt Anesthesiology Interest Group Receives ASA AIG Student Chapter Award

Congratulations to the University of Pittsburgh Anesthesiology Interest Group (AIG), who were selected by the American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Medical Student Component (MSC) as winner of the 2015-2016 Outstanding AIG Student Chapter Award. This award distinguishes the group as one of…

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2016 FAER Medical Student Anesthesia Research Fellows Anh Nguyen and Elizabeth Snajdar


The Department of Anesthesiology was one of 37 sites nationwide selected to host the Foundation for Anesthesia Education and Research (FAER) Medical Student Anesthesia Research Fellowship Program (MSARF) in 2016. FAER created the MSARF program to encourage talented medical…

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Spotlights Book by Dr. Steven Orebaugh

Dr. Orebaugh was spotlighted in a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette article for his fiction book, "A Night in the Life," which is based on his real life experiences working in the ER at South Side Hospital (now UPMC Mercy South Side). 

Drs. Jim Ibinson, A. Murat Kaynar, and Marsha Ritter Jones Awarded UPP Foundation Grants


Congratulations to James W. Ibinson, MD, PhD, A. Murat Kaynar, MD, MPH, and Marsha Ritter Jones, MD, PhD, who were all recently awarded UPP Foundation Grants to conduct the following research projects:

James W. Ibinson, MD, PhD: “Investigating the Link…

Dr. Kristin Ondecko Ligda Featured as PAMED Guest Blogger


Congratulations to Kristin M. Ondecko Ligda, MD, who was featured as a guest blogger last month on the Pennsylvania Medical Society (PAMED) website.

Photos from the 2016 Anesthesiology Resident and Fellow Welcome Picnic


A resident/fellow welcome picnic was held at the home of Drs. Howard Gutstein and Jill Schumacher on July 9, 2016. Photos from the party can be viewed online at Google Photos (photos by Dr.…

Kirsten Radaker Promoted to CRNA Assistant Clinical Director UPMC Mercy

We are pleased to announce that Kirsten Radaker, CRNA, MSN has accepted the position of CRNA Assistant Clinical Director of UPMC Mercy. Kirsten has been a staff CRNA at UPMC Mercy from 2011 to present. She previously worked as a CVICU RN at UPMC Mercy from 1997 through 2009.  Kirsten…

Five Department Investigators Receive Seed Grant Funding

Congratulations to the following researchers who received department seed grant funding for the period of August 1, 2016 – July 31, 2017.

Phillip Adams, DO (T32 Postdoctoral Scholar): “Predicting Acute Kidney Injury in infants after Cardiopulmonary Bypass Surgery: NIRS and…

CRNAs and SRNAs Participate in Walk for the Homeless

CRNA/SNRA groups from UPMC Presbyterian have participated in the walk for the past six years, providing basic first aid to walkers and sponsors and conducting blood pressure screenings at the event.