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Hong Chen, MD, MPH

  • PGY-3 Resident

Hometown: Walnut, CA

Favorite aspects of our residency program: Pitt oozes a level of friendliness and camaraderie that was clear even through the less-than-ideal virtual interview format. A+ people are the real soul of this program, and I couldn't ask for a more supportive class & faculty to grow with these next four years.

Hobbies: Long-term hobbies of rock climbing, snowboarding, photography, Lakers basketball, cooking and anime/manga! I've also recently been learning about interior design and incorporating aspects of minimalism into my life

Post-residency plans: First, I want to give my parents the retirement they deserve for all their support throughout my training. I also hope to spend plenty of time traveling and exploring the world (first stop is China to see the fam, then Japan or New Zealand!)

    Education & Training

  • Medical School: University of Arizona