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UPP CRNA Virtual Education Conference a Success

Our half-day CRNA Virtual Education Conference on Saturday, November 6, 2021 was a success, attracting about 100 participants, including student nurse anesthetists from various programs. Continuing education credits were available for the participants. After our Senior CRNA Director Toni Orsino MBA, CRNA, provided opening remarks and Marc Wicker MSN, CRNA, (System Education Coordinator/UPMC Presbyterian CRNA Education Coordinator) introduced the speakers, CRNAs from our various sites presented the following talks:

  • “Airway Management: CPC Review and Clinical Application,” presented by Michael Jordan MSN, CRNA (UPMC Presbyterian)
  • “Anesthetic Management of One Lung Anesthesia,” presented by Liliana Berezhna MHS, CRNA (UPMC Presbyterian)
  • “Anesthetic Management for PONV in the Ambulatory Setting,” presented by Jessica Kridler MSN, CRNA (UPMC Shadyside)
  • “Emergence Delirium,” presented by Amanda Beckstead DNP, CRNA (UPMC Altoona) and William Pileggi MSN, CRNA (UPMC St. Margaret)
