Our CRNAs at UPMC Presbyterian organized several efforts as part of “Take Your Child to Work Day” on April 25, 2019.
A Presby CRNA group set up an “anesthesia workstation” as part of UPMC’s booths set up in the University of Pittsburgh Biomedical Science Tower. More than 200 children participated; the young audience had the opportunity to learn about the role of nurse anesthetists and intubate mannequins. The booth was very popular, and the children enjoyed the interactive experience. CRNAs Shannon Askren, Mandy Schmidt, Jen Coates, Jeff Rompala, Brianna Rompala, Julie Ging, Molly Galbraith, Katie Weber Plank, and Marc Wicker volunteered at the booth and many CRNAs donated candy for the ultimate experience.
In another part of town at the UPMC Quantum Building at Hot Metal Southside, CRNAs Sharon Weaver and Karen Florian were invited to present about what CRNAs do. About 45 children from grades 1-8 and 10 adults attended. Sharon and Karen taught the group about the role of CRNAs, their education and training, where they work, and how they help patients and their families. They used an intubating mannequin and gave children the opportunity to use a bag valve mask to inflate the mannequin’s lungs. The children were given books for pediatric patients about what to expect during surgery, hats, masks, informational brochures, and treats.