We are having a phenomenally successful year for grant funding, especially grants from the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Our researchers have already been awarded over $7 million in new NIH funding from January through October of 2022, and several additional NIH grants are anticipated to be funded (all new NIH awards listed below). As of October 2022, our portfolio of active grant support includes over $50 million in overall external research funding,* over $48 million of which is from the NIH.** Congratulations to all the investigators listed below who were awarded new NIH grants in 2022!
New NIH Grant Funding in 2022
Project Title | NIH Funding Institute | Project Number | Award Notice Date | PI(s)/Project Leader(s) | Total Funding Amount (Year 1) |
LNCRNA Regulation of Gene Expression & Behavior | NIAAA | 1R01AA030257-01 | 9/19/2022 | Sean P. Farris, PhD | $552,717 |
Development and Validation of a Multimodal Ultrasound-Based Biomarker for Myofascial Pain (Multiple Principal Investigator Grant) | NCCIH | 1R61AT012282-01 | 9/19/2022 | Pitt PI: Ajay D. Wasan, MD, MSc | $2,232,541 |
Genetic Engineering Core | NIA | Subproject 5973, 1U19AG074866-01A1 | 9/1/2022 | Gregg E. Homanics, PhD | $351,479 |
Neuroimaging to Identify the Neural Correlates of Anesthetic and Analgesic Action in Humans | NIGMS | 1R35GM146822-01 | 8/29/2022 | Keith M. Vogt, MD, PhD, FASA | $370,761 |
Perioperative Precision Medicine: Translating Science to Clinical Practice to Improve Safety and Efficacy of Opioids in Neonates, Children and Nursing Mothers | NCATS | 1U01TR003719-01A1 | 8/3/2022 | Senthil Sadhasivam, MD, MPH, MBA, FASA | $1,129,533 |
Reduction of Opioid Requirement Associated with Auriculo-nerve Stimulation Following Open Surgery | NIDA | 1R01DA054513-01A1 | 7/29/2022 | Jacques E. Chelly, MD, PhD, MBA, and Senthil Sadhasivam, MD, MPH, MBA, FASA | $528,103 |
Microglia and S1PR1 Signaling in Multiple Sclerosis-Associated Neuropathic Pain | NINDS | 1F31 NS125974-01A1 | 6/22/2022 | Sydney Lamerand (lab of Bradley K. Taylor, PhD) | $46,752 |
Research Training in Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine | NIGMS | T32GM075770-16 | 6/1/2022 | Yan Xu, PhD | $385,063 |
Peripheral and Central Pathways of α3 Glycine Receptors as Non-Opioid Molecular Targets to Treat Pain | NINDS | 1R01NS122830-01A1 | 4/20/2022 | Yan Xu, PhD | $570,758 |
Integrating Brain and Behavioral Measures of Central Pain Inhibition to Personalize Treatment in Chronic Pain Management | NINDS | 1K23NS123429-01A1 | 3/25/2022 | Benedict Alter, MD, PhD | $189,216 |
3/11 Epigenetic Regulation of Neuroimmune Pathways | NIAAA | 2U01AA020889-11 | 3/10/2022 | Sean P. Farris, PhD, and Gregg E. Homanics, PhD | $601,471 |
lncRNA Gas5 Dysregulation Alters Ethanol Drinking Behavior and Ethanol-Related Phenotypes | NIAAA | 1F31AA030176-01 | 3/2/2022 | Sonja Plasil (lab of Gregg E. Homanics, PhD) | $46,752 |
The Role of lncRNA MALAT1 in Controlling Behavior and Neuroinflammation in Alcohol Use Disorder | NIAAA | 1F31AA029942-01A1 | 2/10/2022 | Annalisa Baratta (lab of Gregg E. Homanics, PhD) | $46,752 |
TOTAL: | $7,051,898 |
Anticipated New NIH Awards, Scored Well
Project Title | NIH Funding Institute | Project Number | PI(s)/Project Leader(s) |
Smart Cuff: Multi-Parameter Hemodynamic Monitoring via a Single Convenient Device | NHLBI | R01HL163691 | Aman Mahajan, MD, PhD, MBA |
* This amount represents all active sponsored projects in our department as of October 17, 2022 where one of our faculty members is either PD/PI, MPI, or clinical trial lead. Our amount of total research funding is ever fluctuating.
** Our data will not match data published by the Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research (BRIMR), who ranks institutions and departments by their amount of NIH funding. BRIMR’s most current data is for federal fiscal year 2021, August 1, 2020 - September 30, 2021. Since BRIMR does not include some grants such as sub-awards, no-cost extensions, fund carry-forwards, multi-institutional grants, awards on which our faculty are Co-PIs, etc., BRIMR totals/rankings do not reflect all research dollars coming to our department.1
1. Parslow TG, Roskoski R Jr. A Primer on BRIMR: Understanding the Rankings of NIH Support from the Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research. Am J Pathol. 2022 Mar;192(3):392-394. doi: 10.1016/j.ajpath.2021.12.004. Epub 2021 Dec 24. PMID: 34954208; PMCID: PMC8895421.