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Dr. Keith Vogt Nominated for NIH Pain Consortium Award

"Headshot of Doctor Vogt"


Congratulations to Keith M. Vogt, MD, PhD, who was a finalist for the 2020 National Institutes of Health (NIH) Pain Consortium Mitchell Max Award for Research Excellence, which is awarded annually to the best poster presentation at the NIH Pain Consortium Symposium. Dr. Vogt was invited to present his nominated poster, “During Acute Intermittent Pain, Midazolam and Ketamine Distinctly Alter Functional Connectivity Between Memory, Pain, and Fear Response Centers in the Human Brain” at the symposium.

The award is named in honor of the late Mitchell B. Max, MD, a former faculty member in our department who was director of the Molecular Epidemiology of Pain Program at the University of Pittsburgh Center for Pain Research.