Our CRNA Virtual Education Conference was held on April 17, 2021. The multidisciplinary educational event featured lectures from anesthesia techs and both student nurse anesthetists (SRNAs) and certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs). The conference had a fantastic turnout with 158 attendees and received very positive reviews.
Presentations were as follows:
- Welcome and Opening Remarks - Toni Orsino, MBA, CRNA, Senior CRNA Director
- Introduction of Speakers - Marc Wicker MSN, CRNA, Education Coordinator, UPMC Presbyterian / UPMC Healthcare System
- “Getting Your Bell Rung: Sports-related Concussions and Perioperative Implications” - Sarah Whiteford, MSN, CRNA, UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh
- “Anesthetic Considerations for the Burn Patient” - Anne Rivero, MSN, CRNA, UPMC Mercy
- “Basic Review of Neuroanesthesia for the CRNA” - Jennifer Coates, MSN, CRNA & Mary Beth Czerniak, MHS, CRNA, UPMC Presbyterian
- “Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Blended Educational Program to Prepare Anesthesia Providers for the Application of Viscoleastic Assay Technology (VAT) into Clinical Practice: - Paige Tejera, MSN, CRNA, UPMC Shadyside
- “The Use of Preemptive Acetaminophen to Decrease Post-operative Pain in Patients Undergoing Elective Cesarean Section at a Tertiary Care Hospital” - Lauren Mealy, SRNA
- “Life after Malignant Hyperthermia: A Qualitative Study” - Madison Betsker, SRNA
- “Identifying Difficult Intravenous (DIVA) in Presurgical Patients with a Modified Telephone Version of the Enhanced Adult Difficult Intravenous Access (EA-DIVA) Screening Tool” - Alexandra Uram, SRNA