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Mahajan Lab News

Dr. Siamak Salavatian Invited to Speak at ISCE, UCLA, and INS Events

Siamak Salavatian, PhD, Director of Neuromodulation Research in our department, will present his work at the annual conference of the International Society for Computerized Electrocardiology, the UCLA Cardiac Neurobiology Research Program’s Distinguished Speaker Series, and the 16th World Congress of the International Neuromodulation Society.

Dr. Brad Taylor Research Team Wins 2022 Pain Challenge Award

Congratulations to the research team of Bradley K. Taylor, PhD (principal investigator); Abigail Hellman, PhD; Tyler Nelson; Aman Mahajan, MD, PhD, MBA; and Kimberly Howard-Quijano, MD, MS, FASE, who were awarded a $50,000 Virginia Kaufman Pain Research Challenge Award for their project “A Non-Invasive Nasal Spray to Treat Neuropathic Pain.”

A video...

Presentations and Participation at IARS/AUA/SOCCA/SATA 2022

The annual meetings of the International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS), Association of University Anesthesiologists (AUA), and Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists (SOCCA) and the Symposium of the Society for the Advancement of Transplant Anesthesia (SATA) have been aligned for 2022. The events wil be held virtually on the following dates:

  • AUA Annual Meeting:...

2021 Safar Symposium and Multi-Departmental Trainees' Research Day

The 18th annual Safar Symposium and 11th annual Multi-Departmental Trainees’ Research Day was held on May 19-20, 2021. Building upon the Peter and Eva Safar Lectureship established in 1980 by Peter M. Winter, MD, (former chair of the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine), this yearly event honors the late Dr. Peter Safar and his wife Eva for their contributions to the...