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Siamak Salavatian, MEng, PhD

  • Associate Professor of Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Medicine, and Bioengineering
  • Director of Neuromodulation Research

Dr. Salavatian is a scientist in the field of neurocardiology and neuromodulation. He received his doctorate in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Montreal (UdeM), with postdoctoral training at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Cardiac Arrhythmia Center. He has a Master of Engineering in Computer and Electrical Engineering and he has applied engineering tools in his medical research. His main area of research is to investigate the neural remodeling that occurs in the autonomic nervous system in heart diseases and assess potential cardiac neuromodulation therapies.

    Education & Training

  • PhD, Université de Montréal, Montreal, Canada
  • MEng, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
  • BS, Shiraz University
Representative Publications

Dr. Salavatian's publications can be viewed through Google Scholar.

Research, Clinical, and/or Academic Interests
  • Autonomic nervous system remodeling in cardiac diseases​
  • Neuromodulation therapies for heart disorders
  • The role of afferent neurotransmission in modulation of the efferent outflow
  • Single intrinsic cardiac neuron modeling
  • Cardiac electrophysiology
  • Machine learning techniques
  • Biomedical signal processing