Congratulations to our T32 Postdoctoral Scholar Michael Schnetz, MD, PhD, whose abstract was selected as a Kosaka Best of Meeting Top Finalist at the 2019 International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS) Annual Meeting and International Science Symposium:
- “Response to Inhaled Anesthetics Measured by the Triple Variable Index Reveals Population-specific Patterns of Intraoperative Hypotension Exposure.” Authors: Michael Schnetz, Pritika Dasgupta, Douglas Landsittel, Harry Hochheiser, Keith M. Vogt, James W. Ibinson, Steven Whitehurst, Aman Mahajan, #David Danks and #A. Murat Kaynar (#Contributed equally)

Michael’s research group identified distinct patterns of low blood pressure that occur during surgery (intraoperative hypotension) using the Triple Variable Index (TVI), a recently developed data tool that maps a patient’s unadjusted response to inhaled anesthetics across time. Low blood pressure episodes varied according to their frequency, location within the surgical period, depth, and duration between TVI response groups. Severe patterns of low blood pressure can be accurately predicted within the first 20 minutes of surgery using TVI, but not its component variables or available preoperative factors. These findings demonstrate a strong relationship between a patient’s response to inhaled anesthetics and low blood pressure during surgery, a serious adverse event that increases the risk of kidney, heart, and brain injury. Future studies will focus on using TVI in real time to allow clinicians to better anticipate and prevent low blood pressure before it occurs in high risk patients.
Michael also won an Association of University Anesthesiologists (AUA) Resident Travel Award for his abstract. The 2019 IARS and AUA meetings are aligned and will take place from May 16 –20, 2019 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Dr. Schnetz’s award-winning abstract will be presented at the AUA Scientific Advisory Board Oral Session I, Thursday, May 16, 11:15 am – 12:15 pm and at the IARS Kosaka Best of Meeting Abstract Awards Session and Oral Presentations, Sunday, May 19, 7:00 am – 9:30 am.