On Wednesday, January 25, 2012, Gateway Medical Society Inc. and the students from the “Journey to Medicine”' program were honored at the Pittsburgh Public School Board meeting.
Journey to Medicine is a precollege academic mentorship program intended to increase the number of minority males on the path toward careers in medicine. The program was started with recognition that the only real hope of correcting African American males’ disproportionately low representation in healthcare, low graduation rate, disproportionate suspensions, and high rate of placement into special education, they would have to reach these students far sooner in the academic pipeline. GMS created the long term Journey to Medicine program for African American males in grade six and up.
A proclamation introducing and commending GMS for its academic mentorship program was read and Gateway received a standing ovation from the board members and attendees. Visiting Clinical Associate Professor William Simmons MD was introduced as the new GMS President; he assumed the role effective January 1, 2012. GMS officials Morris Turner Jr. (program coordinator) and Jan Madison (GMS Board Member) were also introduced. Fourteen Journey to Medicine students were present; each student was individually introduced, received a “Distinguished Achievement Award,” and shook hands with each Pittsburgh Public School Board Member and assembled guest.
Pittsburgh Community Television (PCTV) televised the Board Meeting and the video can be viewed online.